Sunday, April 17, 2016

Climbing Cerro Arkhata

Cerro Arkhata (5650m) is a mountain next to Cerro Mururata, near La Paz, Bolivia. We decided to climb it in a 2-day version staying one  night on the mountain to acclimate a little before the climb to the summit.  
We parked the car on the bottom of this valey on the side of the road.

The beginning is easy climbing through grassy slopes.

After a while the first view of the north peak (Pico Norte) of the Cerro Mururata becomes visible. 

View down towards the Yungas valley.

Finding a good camping spot is a little bit tricky, but there are some softer grassy spots among the rocks.

A french Opinel knife I found on the mountain. Looks like it has spent many many years here.


Cerro Mururata at sunset

First view of Cerro Arkhata early in the morning. The actual peak is not yet visible.

Time to crampon up for the final ascent on the glacier.

Finally on the top. Cerro Illimani - Bolivia's second highest - in the background. 

Cerro Mururata with 3 of it's peaks in the background.  
Cerro Mururata in the clouds later.

The route to the base camp.

Route to the summit.

Close-up of the route to the summit

After spending an hour on the top we descended back to the camp and gathered our gear. Then another 2 hours back to the car. Another 2 hours by car to La Paz.

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