Monday, February 10, 2014

Moving to La Paz

Arriving to Bolivia and especially La Paz can be a challenge. The altitude of the city of La Paz varies from the Zona Sur's 3600m to the El Alto and airport area of over 4000m above sea level. Getting used to this kind of altitude takes time as your body is working day and night to create red cells for oxygen transfer. It's advisable to take it easy for the first few days and not overdo physical exercise while your body is getting used to life in the sky.
The southern zone (Zona Sur) in the bottom and  downtown La Paz in the middle.

The other issue many foreigners face in Bolivia and South America in general is the change of bacteria. Diarrhea is a common first welcome when arriving. It's important to wash or disinfect your hands several times a day. A youghurt consumed every morning and evening can act as a good prevention foir intestinal problems. In case of problems coal tablets work in most cases.  
Once you've acclimated your mind and stomach you can start enjoying the excellent local food like the Pique Macho.

Personally it took me about 3 weeks to feel that I was used to the high altitude and I could start to do some light jogging. I didn't feel out of breath exhausted while walking anymore either. 

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